Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Corinne is back from Viet Nam, lots of stories to tell, stop by 24 Feb, enjoy friends, food, stuff…and hear all about it.

Hello Friends & Colleagues,

I am just back from Viet Nam where, as some of you may know, as part of the Chicagoland Learning Leaders organization partnered with Rotary Winnetka/Northfield, I assisted in installing an elearning center for an orphanage in Long Xuyen. What an awesome trip. Thanks again to the many of you who contributed, your donations are helping to make dreams possible for these kids.

Since email cannot possibly explain…I am hoping you can stop by the my residence in Schaumburg on Sunday, 24 Feb, 1-5pm to see pictures, have a snack/drink, enjoy friends, and hear all about it. I will present a “slide show” at 2pm. You’ll be surprised about the things that you might think are universal, are not…like the process to cross the street!

In case you’re interested, I brought back a number of unbelievably gorgeous items (purses, silk pajamas, bracelets, embroideries, etc) that you can purchase as a donation – 100% of your purchase will go to our next orphanage project and your purchase/donation is eligible as a tax-deduction.

As a side note, while in Long Xuyen working at the Khai Tri orphanage, I connected with a young orphan girl and her two brothers. I made a commitment to them to assist in their education. The older sister, Sa Ron, wants to become a teacher and give back as those who have helped her. So now I have 3 new “kids” so to speak…

I look forward to sharing my experiences and stories with you!
Please feel free to bring others and pass this to your friends who may be interested…

Sunday, 24 February, 1-5pm
2pm slide show for Friends, Previous Donors, Drinks, Snacks and Gifts

Kind regards,